Tuesday, March 12, 2013

J and J

So I was thinking this would be a good way to keep everyone updated on the boys and what they are up to. Both of them are developing so quickly I want to be sure to remember everything.

Jordan: So now Jordan is 6 and this year he will be turning 7!! Still not really talking but he is making huge improvements. This is a really good year for him and he has had a lot of support around him to keep him on the right path. I am pretty sure he will get this whole thing down soon and we won't be able to make him be quiet.

Joshua: Talking about being quiet, this blabber mouth is never quiet. He sings to me nightly, either ABCs or Twinkle twinkle little star. He will repeat everything that you say and makes up some of the most interesting things on his own.

My Mom and StepDad were in town this past weekend and got them bikes. Crazy little boys will sit on them and ask to be pushed but won't peddle! Very frustrating.

They are both such happy boys and will do anything to make sure that everyone else is happy. They are so in love with Brian (dog) and make sure that he gets to go everywhere with them. At the end of this week Spring Break will start for Jordan so we will see how he does with having 2 weeks off school.

Alright, back to work.....